Course Overview:

For over thirty years, the HART-Disasters course has been CFE’s flagship humanitarian assistance course, training an average of 400 in-person and approximately 12,000 via Joint Knowledge Online, military and civilian students each year. The HART-Disasters course prepares United States military commanders and their staffs to respond more effectively during civilian-led humanitarian assistance and foreign disaster response missions. This operational-level training course focuses on applying the military planning and decision–making process to the unique circumstances associated with a Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA) operation in response to a natural disaster. The course program utilizes theory grounded by U.S. Department of Defense joint doctrine, guidance from the U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, and generally accepted international norms on humanitarian assistance and civil-military coordination. Case studies, small group practical applications, and role-playing exercises enhance lectures by civilian and military subject matter experts.

Participants will understand:

  • The broader context and range of US Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA);
  • Military planning considerations and challenges, and application of the military decision making process for FHA operations;
  • The philosophy, principles, and mechanisms that govern the international humanitarian response to disasters;
  • The roles and relationships of key disaster response stakeholders: the Affected State, the Affected Population, Humanitarian Community, and Assisting States;
  • The collaborative means employed by international humanitarian agencies;
  • The criteria for the use of military assets and the military’s unique supporting role during a foreign disaster response;
  • The internationally recognized principles of civil-military coordination; and
  • The logistics, information sharing, communication synchronization, and public health challenges likely to be faced by military responders during an HA/DR operation

Major topics to be covered include:

  • Framing U.S. Foreign Assistance
  • Natural Disasters
  • U.S. Foreign Humanitarian Assistance Architecture
  • Affected State
  • The International Response Community
  • Assisting States, Foreign Military Assets (FMA)
  • Response Logistics
  • Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Response (HA/DR) Information Sharing
  • Military Planning Considerations and Challenges for FHA Operations
  • Case Studies (such as 2015 Nepal Earthquake- Operation Sahayogi Haat, 2014 Ebola - West Africa - Operation United Assistance, 2010 Haiti Earthquake – Operation Unified Response, etc...)

Course Content Inquiries

Please contact the HART Course Coordination Team to get additional information.