Best Practices Pamphlets

CFE-DM’s pamphlets encapsulate best practices in civil-military coordination in foreign disaster relief (FDR). While lengthy handbooks and numerous guidelines exist, these pamphlets summarize best practices in an accessible primer tailored to targeted audiences.

Civil-Military Coordination in FDR: Best Practices for Affected & Assisting States

Civil-Military Coordination in FDR: Best Practices for Information Sharing

Civil-Military Coordination in FDR: Best Practices for Joint Task Forces (JTFs)

Civil-Military Coordination in FDR: Best Practices for Joint Operations Centers (JOCs)

Civil-Military Coordination in FDR: Best Practices for Logistics

Best Practices For Inclusive Gendered Security In Natural Disasters

Civil Military Coordination During HA/DR in Conflict: Best Practices for Joint Task Forces (JTFs)

Best Practices for Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response in U.S. Military Operations

Best Practices for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) in Pandemics

Best Practices for DoD to Increase Readiness for Climate Change Impacts on HADR Related Missions

Best Practices to Support Locally Led Responses

Best Practices for DoD Public Communications in Foreign Humanitarian Assistance

Best Practices for Civil-Military Coordination in Disaster Management in the ASEAN Region

Printing Instructions

Pamphlets are designed to be printed as a folded booklet. For best results printing, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click "File" in the top left-hand corner, then select "Print" from the drop down menu.
  2. Select a printer that is capable of double-sided printing
  3. Under the Page Sizing & Handling section, click the "Booklet" button
  4. Check the Booklet Subset field has "Both sides" selected
  5. Check the Sheets From field has "1" to "4" selected
  6. Check the Binding field has "Left" selected
  7. Click the Print Button